The 965项目廊 is a student-led space that provides premiere professional development opportunities to students interested in fine art curation and arts administration.

改变的理由:2023年5月18日- 8月5日

965项目画廊呈现 改变的理由, 这是一个研究美国学校枪支暴力问题的合作装置. Featuring the artwork of 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students Xtna d’Luna and Allison Nicolosi-Risinger-Risinger, the installation provides a place for discussion and offers resources for viewers to engage with organization that are raising awareness and petitioning for change.




地表深层- 2023年1月13日至3月25日

这次展览, 表面深, offers the visual narratives of two photographers as they explore our neglected landscape. 德文·维格斯和劳伦·温格斯都是突破肤浅的新兴艺术家, 仅仅是地球的风景表现, 而是对西南地区的社会生态系统进行简短的研究. 通过调查人类干预之间的相互作用:农业, 农业与城市化, 以及环境自我修复的能力, these artists are invested in depicting images that examine on-going shifts in our 自然 habitat. 这里展示的作品主体采用了纪录片的视角, 使用不同的摄影方法, 用什么来记录今天的地形.



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The 965项目廊 at CVA presents an exhibition of work created by the 艺术+行动实验室 Summer 2022 interns.


Alan G, David Grajeda Gonzalez, 路加福音哈格雷夫(Hargrave), Erika杰克逊, 洛拉吉梅内斯, 阿德莱德Krabbenhoeft, 尼基亚帕克, Rinyin, 葛丽塔教堂司事, Ainsley Silberhorn



密歇根州立大学丹佛’s Department of Art student employees takeover CVA’s 965项目廊 in (一)职业. 阶级的要求, work schedules and creative practice are carefully balanced by nine student artists to produce exceptional works of art. 与…一起观看 集合名词:密歇根州立大学丹佛艺术系展览.


扎克·阿什伯恩,安德鲁·L. 克莱因, 蕾切尔·伊莎贝拉·戴, 加布钦斯, 辛迪·洛亚, 林赛•米勒, Allison Nicolosi-Risinger, 玛丽·沙利文, 安东尼告诉


965 illuminationetmystery (2)

魔法医院·2021年7月30日- 10月16日

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965项目画廊呈现 魔法医院. 来自Hexus Collective的作品, 魔法医院 is a sight-specific installation that explores ritualistic practices performed through modern medical intervention and how these rituals become a protective armor. 思考他们与肉体的关系, 灵性, 维度与他们每天生活的疾病有关, the artists use multi-media installation and performances to ask questions regarding the treatment of those with visible and invisible illnesses and disabilities, and whether these treatments serve to make the patient comfortable or to make able-bodied society feel at ease. 魔法医院 highlights medicine as concealment from the constructed stigmas surrounding disability and as a spell of protection against bad spirits and health.


  • 利兹·埃尔南德斯和莎莉·迈尔斯与Hexus Collective合作




965项目画廊呈现 居住在新亲属中 通过这些作品,艺术家们与父母重新建立了联系。, 爷爷奶奶, and their own stories of transitioning from the places they were to where they are now. 这些作品讲述了他前往美国的亲身经历, 艺术家们在哪里成为他们家庭经历和自己经历之间的桥梁. Each work illustrates how the artists are combining their origins with their present to form a new 文化 unique to themselves.

参展艺术家: 利兹·埃尔南德斯,加布里埃尔·哈钦斯,辛迪·洛亚,亚伯拉罕·梅加和希拉·蒙盖.


  • 莉莎·埃尔南德斯和莎莉·迈尔斯

艺术+行动青少年实习生展·2021年4月16日- 10月16日


与 密歇根州立大学丹佛学生展览, 965项目画廊展示了 艺术+行动青少年实习生展览. The 艺术+行动实验室 Internship at CVA brings together students who are interested in creative 职业生涯 to make art, 与来自各行各业的创意专业人士会面, 并建立个人和专业技能和网络. The program is meant to provide an introduction to an art world that can appear mysterious and even impenetrable to those outside it.


  • 莎丽迈尔

·2021年1月8日- 3月20日


965项目画廊展示了比皮肤更深的东西. In this exhibition, 丹佛 artists examine life experiences within the Black community. The culmination of local activism stemming from the Summer 2020 and ongoing civil rights 运动 highlight the continuation of the social justice timeline. 展览促进了社区的坚持和人性化的行动.

参展艺术家: 泰里·琼斯,阿德里·诺里斯,伊文斯·圣蒂尔和贾斯敏·温特.

2021年2月16日,965项目画廊联合策展人举办了一场艺术家座谈会. 观看下面的视频,听听艺术家泰里·琼斯的声音, Yvens Saintil, 和贾思敏·温特谈论他们在“比皮肤更深”展览上展出的作品.


  • 莎丽迈尔斯 and Molly Quinn with guest co-curators Sheila Mungai and Kendall Taylor-Wright

艾尔Auto-Ethnography“实习生” Art + Action Teen Internship Exhibition · May 21 - July 17, 2020


The 艺术+行动实验室 Summer Internship at the 视觉艺术中心 brings together students who are interested in creative 职业生涯 from all over the 丹佛 metro area. 他们创作艺术是为了与公众分享, 与来自各行各业的创意专业人士会面, 并建立个人和专业技能和网络. The program is meant to provide an introduction to an art world that can appear mysterious and even impenetrable to those outside it.


  • 莎丽迈尔斯



965项目画廊呈现 揭示. 服装, 头发, and accessories have the power to create protective yet expressive personal statements that enable the wearer to feel connected to 文化, 运动, 组织, 等.? 当涉及到性别时,他们也有能力破坏先入为主的观念, 比赛, 和性. Masculinity and femininity are tropes that often dictate socially acceptable appearance, 性别角色, 职业生涯, 活动, 以及跨文化关系. 更甚于以往, we are seeing individuals breaking through barriers of what is expected of them to perform within the bounds of their assigned gender, 比赛, 文化, 或性. We are also seeing repercussions from the anonymity of uniforms that make it easier to inflict violence upon the bodies that wear them for the sake of the team.

揭示 探讨了衣物的使用方式, 头发, and accessories carry within them connotations of normative behavioral expectations by exhibiting artists that address traditional conventions of gendered appearance. This exhibition focuses on fashion to create conversations surrounding societal presumptions about individual personal expression, 允许有毒行为被解决, 并为边缘化社区的庆祝活动创造空间. These conversations aid in subverting confining limitations and d生 attention to the popularity of aggressive and violent professions, 爱好, 和行为.

艺术家在 揭示 是佩斯利·罗斯·阿姆里恩、德鲁·奥斯汀、克莱·霍克利和奥黛丽·特威格吗.


  • 克里斯汀·史密斯和格蕾丝·古铁雷斯,莎莉·迈尔斯和莫莉·奎因协助



梯级 represents a cross-section of the diverse practices and aesthetics of contemporary printmaking in India.


  • 莱拉·阿姆斯特朗, 访问学院-艺术史, 理论与批评, 丹佛州立大学和杰德·霍耶, 艺术助理教授-版画, 密歇根州立大学丹佛



通过教学, 都是丹佛大都会州立大学的艺术教授, 以及许多社区外展项目, Frésquez has mentored thousands of students to find their voice and tell their stories through art. 为了纪念他的重大影响,CVA的965学生策展画廊将呈现 额外的信贷, an invitational exhibition featuring new work by over 40 of Frésquez’s former students. 



通过回收身体, 物理空间, 甚至通过对嵌入式系统的干预实现物质性, 艺术家利用他们的代理机构, 取代了过时的等级制度,同时也建立了新的, 所有人都属于的无边无际的领域.

参展艺术家: Jacqueline Sophia Cordova, Porscha’ Danielle, Ashley Frazier, Sydnie Ross, and Jodi Stuart.


  • Danielle Cunningham Tierney和琥珀Micciche



作为一个伴侣 水线:创造性的交流,学生组织的965画廊内的CVA将展出 传播:后院革命. This exhibition showcases artists who capture the unique beauty that belongs to delicious, 自然, 健康的, 生, 营养, 新鲜的, 可持续和本地种植的食物来源. 虽然“食物”这个词可以为不同的人产生许多不同的形象, this exhibition will focus on social change through food by providing images that beautify 健康的 choices which can be obtained locally through ethical and sustainable practices.

参展艺术家: 梅雷迪思·费尼亚克和艾琳·罗西娜·理查森


  • 琥珀Micciche

模拟印象:审视版画制作过程·2017年5月26日- 7月22日


作为伴侣的 528.地区版画评比展,学生组织的965画廊在CVA将展示 模拟印象:考察版画制作过程. This is a juried exhibition that examines the process of printmaking and provides visitors with a window into the printmaker’s studio. 节目将强调特色艺术作品的教育和社区方面.



965年画廊, 在CVA内由学生经营的画廊, 将举办摄影展——同期 存在 四位艺术家探索自然环境及其与自然环境的关系. 艺术家包括密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的学生安德鲁·达菲, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校校友克里斯汀·巴克, 以及科罗拉多州的艺术家Cori Storb和Michael Sandoval.

内省:解开过程- 2017年11月3日·12月1日


作为一个伴侣 Plexus,学生组织的965画廊内的CVA将展出ion I内省:揭示过程. 本次展览展示了皇冠体育官网分校BFA论文项目背后的过程. On view are student sk等hbooks and concept art that show the amount of work leading up to a thesis exhibition.

参展艺术家: 乔纳森·查韦斯, 黛西·科索, 布列塔尼Gaenzle, 哈特Kryplio, 杰西卡Mindenhall, 亚历山大·罗梅罗, 伊丽莎白·林惇


  • 安珀·米奇切和柯蒂斯·塔克